Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Conditional clauses Grammar If -clause Main clause Conditional 1 if + present simple “will” future Conditional 2 if + past simple would/could/might + infinitive Conditional 3 if + past perfect would/could/might + have + past participle 1: If Martin comes too, there will be four of us. We’ll get there on time if we leave right now. 2: If you told me what you wanted, I could help you. What would you do if you won the lottery? 3: If Suzy had fallen from those rocks, she would have broken her leg. They would have taken Spanish classes if their school had had a Spanish teacher. No will/would in the if -clause! No comma before the if -clause!  G14 1 Conditional 1: Talking about possible future actions a) Have a look at the poster “Get out your favourite texts and have them published!” on page 130 again and underline all the sentences with if . b) Write sentences for the situations below using the conditional 1. 1. Rachel – get the new Detective Bishop novel for her birthday • I – borrow it from her 2. I – write a review for an online community • I – like the book 3. My mother – go to the cinema to see the new Dan Brown movie • the reviews in the newspaper – be good 4. Emma – not return the book to the library in time • she – have to pay an extra fee 5. You – not start with the book report today • it – not be ready on Monday c) Imagine you want to take part in the Young Poets of the Year Award. Make sentences using the conditional 1. Talk about: • What can/should you do if you want to take part in the competition? • What might your friends and family say if you take part? 132 Books 10 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv