Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Check-out NOW yOU CAN ✔ Talk about choosing a career and making plans for the future. ✔ Talk about personal skills. ✔ Write a letter of application and your CV. ✔ Use indirect speech. ✔ Use participles to link sentences and express what you watched people doing. ✔ Deal with interviews. 1 Talking about jobs a) Talk about one of the photos. Say … • where you think the people are. • what they have to do in their job. • what the pros and cons are. • what kind of person is suited to this work. b) Explain why you would or would not like to do the job yourself. 2 Listening: Two job interviews a) Two girls have applied for the job of library assistant. Listen to the interviews twice and take notes about what makes a good or a bad impression. Use a grid like this: Applicants Good points Bad points Sarah Marshall Paula Douglas b) Decide who should get the job. Give reasons for your choice. Can reasonably fluently sustain a straightforward description of one of a variety of subjects. (B1) 23–24 Is aware of […] the most significant differences between the customs, usages [and] attitudes […] prevalent in the community concerned and those of his or her own. (B1) 122 Jobs 9 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv