Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Check-out NOW yOU CAN ✔ Talk about how to produce and promote your own music. ✔ Discuss songs and their messages. ✔ Present information on music production and the history of music in various forms. ✔ Extract information from reading material. ✔ Use adjectives and adverbs of manner and degree. 1 Dialogue: MP3 players – Music in your ears Discuss the use of MP3 players with your partner. One of you is against the widespread use of MP3 players, the other one supports it strongly. The items below will give you some ideas. 1. What is good about them? 2. What is annoying? 3. What makes them dangerous in certain situations? 4. Where should you use them? 5. Where not? 2 Writing: File-sharing or “stealing”? You are a young musician who uses different platforms to get famous. You have read the following blog post on a music blog. Can express belief, opinion, agreement and disagreement politely. (B1) 10 fledgling songwriters: songwriters at the beginning of their careers everywhere disturbing contact sound pollution distracting traffic public transport freedom all the time no time to think by Freddie.Heart2001 7 September, 9:01 p.m. I think file-sharing and stealing are two different things. If I e-mail you a copy of the new Madonna album, then nobody has less stuff than before I sent you the e-mail. By contrast, if I break into Madonna’s house, take her shoes, and then give the shoes to you, the result is that Madonna has fewer shoes than she had before. You have decided to comment on this blog post. In your blog comment you should: • describe your own opinion • outline your own experience as a musician • suggest fair download services on the internet Write around 200 words . 3 Language in use Choose the correct form (adjective or adverb). 1. No matter how hard/hardly I tried, I could not remember the street name. 2. I haven’t seen you late/lately, what have you been up to? 3. I near/nearly didn’t make it on time. 4. She was serious/seriously hurt in the accident. 5. I have to work late/lately tonight – can you wait for me? 6. I hard/hardly realised that she looks total/totally different now. 7. She talked to me friendly/in a friendly way. Can produce simple connected texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest. (B1) 109 8 Music Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv