Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

b) What do you think? Take notes and present your ideas in a one-minute talk to the class. 1. Is the situation for women as serious as described in the song? 2. If yes, what could be done to improve their situation? 6 “Blowin’ in the wind”: Then and now a) How do the lyrics express the main ideas of the song? Find quotations in the text and add the line numbers, too. 1. looking for peace a white dove … sleeps in the sand? (lines 3-4) 2. stopping all wars 3. people are not free 4. the rich ignore the problems of the poor 5. no help for the sick or the weak b) Can you name any regions or situations where these problems can be seen at the moment? c) Writing: Choose at least two of the problems and describe them briefly in your exercise book. 7 Research activity: The music a) Look for these two songs on the internet (e.g. YouTube, iTunes, etc.) and listen to them. b) Find suitable adjectives describing the music of each song. Christina Aguilera: Can’t hold us down Bob Dylan: Blowin’ in the wind c) Swap the lists of adjectives in the table above. Would the messages of the songs stay the same? Why or why not? 8 Internet project: Protest songs These artists have all had big hits with protest songs. Find out more about the artists, which protest songs they sang, and what the songs’ messages were. Aretha Franklin John Lennon Pink aggressive slow loud exciting gentle melodious monotonous fast sophisticated catching soft simple modern 105 8 Music Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv