Prime Time 5, Coursebook mit Audio-CD

Text: Producing your own music 1 Before you read Make a list of things you have to think of when you want to produce your own recordings. 2 Read the text a) Read to get the gist: What are the main points in the text? b) Find headings for the parts of the text. c) Discuss whether you think the ideas in the text are realistic or not. 18–22 (1) ................................................. Go on, admit it – you dream of being a rock or pop star! But sitting in the bath singing to the radio, or applying to be on a reality TV show is not the best way to get people to listen to your music. Don’t give up the dream! Lots of bands now promote and sell their own music. Technology has taken DIY to a whole new level, allowing you to present your songs directly to the people who want to listen to and hopefully buy them. So let’s assume you have a home computer and somewhere in your head you have a melody or lyrics waiting to be heard. Read below to find out how to make a studio in your bedroom/shed/garage and what equipment you need to organise. Then you’ll be ready to become a real musician! (2) ................................................. First, what about your studio room? You need a relatively empty and extremely quiet space to create a clean recording. So get rid of as much furniture as possible and if there is traffic noise, try to keep it out. You don’t want to spend time editing out sounds you didn’t know you had recorded – a washing machine in the distance, or the television or someone’s phone. Also, if sounds are being thrown back by furniture and windows, these are likely to be picked up by your recording equipment. A room with carpet is the best, with curtains or blankets on the windows and walls. Or maybe you ought to start eating lots of eggs. Seriously! Covering the walls with empty egg boxes is another way to stop noise from the outside world coming in. (3) ................................................. As lots of DJs, musicians and bands have proved, it is now possible to use a home computer to make a recording of good enough quality. All it takes is your own cool and creative ideas and an internet connection. OK, so you might need a little money, too. But not a lot. Number one on your shopping list should be a good microphone. Without one you can’t record anything – instruments or vocals – clearly. But there are lots of cheap mikes out there that are good enough. Then you have to turn your computer into a digital audio workstation. What’s that?Well, you want to be able to record, edit and save your music, right? So you need a multi-track audio recorder with audio editing software. Maybe you’re new to this game and all that sounds a bit technical. No problem! There are thousands of tutorials on the web which will teach you how to work with the equipment. You’ll soon feel comfortable using it. (4) ................................................. Of course before you can make a DIY recording you need a good idea for a song. But what can you do with that idea? Recording some basic audio and vocal tracks is only the beginning. After you’ve done 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 100 Music 8 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv